Treeview ContainerFromItem всегда возвращает null

Я прочитал несколько тем по этому вопросу, но не смог найти ничего, чтобы сделать то, что я пытаюсь сделать. У меня есть treeview, который привязан к иерархическому набору объектов. Каждый из этих объектов представляет собой значок на карте. Когда пользователь щелкает один из значков на карте, я хочу выбрать элемент в виде дерева, сфокусироваться на нем и прокрутить его в вид. Объект map содержит список объектов, привязанных к treeview. В примере-это тип объекта, связанного с дерево.

public void ScrollIntoView(Thing t)
  if (t != null)
    t.IsSelected = true;
    t.IsExpanded = true;

    TreeViewItem container = (TreeViewItem)(masterTreeView
    if (container != null)

до сих пор, независимо от того, что я пробовал, контейнер всегда равен нулю. Есть идеи?

3 ответов

элемент на самом деле является дочерним элементом masterTreeView?

на самом деле это может быть довольно сложно, так как TreeViewItems are ItemsControls со своими ItemContainerGenerator что означает, что вы должны иметь возможность получить контейнер только от непосредственного родителя ItemContainerGenerator, а не от корня.

некоторая рекурсивная функция, которая сначала поднимается по иерархии до корня, а затем меняет этот маршрут на уровне пользовательского интерфейса, всегда получая контейнер элементов, может сработать, но ваши элементы данных нуждаются в ссылка на их логический родительский объект данных.

проблема в том, что каждый TreeViewItem сам является ItemsControl, поэтому каждый из них управляет своими собственными контейнерами для своих детей.

у вас есть 3 варианта: - Вы отключаете виртуализацию элементов:, но это может повлиять на производительность - Вы управляете статусом itemContainerGenerator для каждого элемента (некоторые коды приведены в качестве примеров). Довольно сложно. - Вы добавляете иерархическую модель представления в свою иерархию и реализуете свойство "IsExpanded" для каждого уровня узла. Лучшее решение.

отключить виртуализацию:

<TreeView VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="False">


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using HQ.Util.General;

namespace HQ.Util.Wpf.WpfUtil
    public static class TreeViewExtensions
        // ******************************************************************
        public delegate void OnTreeViewVisible(TreeViewItem tvi);
        public delegate void OnItemExpanded(TreeViewItem tvi, object item);
        public delegate void OnAllItemExpanded();

        // ******************************************************************
        private static void SetItemHierarchyVisible(ItemContainerGenerator icg, IList listOfRootToNodeItemPath, OnTreeViewVisible onTreeViewVisible = null)
            Debug.Assert(icg != null);

            if (icg != null)
                if (listOfRootToNodeItemPath.Count == 0) // nothing to do

                TreeViewItem tvi = icg.ContainerFromItem(listOfRootToNodeItemPath[0]) as TreeViewItem;
                if (tvi != null) // Due to threading, always better to verify

                    if (listOfRootToNodeItemPath.Count == 0)
                        if (onTreeViewVisible != null)
                        if (!tvi.IsExpanded)
                            tvi.IsExpanded = true;

                        SetItemHierarchyVisible(tvi.ItemContainerGenerator, listOfRootToNodeItemPath, onTreeViewVisible);
                    ActionHolder actionHolder = new ActionHolder();
                    EventHandler itemCreated = delegate(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
                            var icgSender = sender as ItemContainerGenerator;
                            tvi = icgSender.ContainerFromItem(listOfRootToNodeItemPath[0]) as TreeViewItem;
                            if (tvi != null) // Due to threading, it is always better to verify
                                SetItemHierarchyVisible(icg, listOfRootToNodeItemPath, onTreeViewVisible);


                    actionHolder.Action = new Action(() => icg.StatusChanged -= itemCreated);
                    icg.StatusChanged += itemCreated;

        // ******************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// You cannot rely on this method to be synchronous. If you have any action that depend on the TreeViewItem 
        /// (last item of collectionOfRootToNodePath) to be visible, you should set it in the 'onTreeViewItemVisible' method.
        /// This method should work for Virtualized and non virtualized tree.
        /// The difference with ExpandItem is that this one open up the tree up to the target but will not expand the target itself,
        /// while ExpandItem expand the target itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeView">TreeView where  an item has to be set visible</param>
        /// <param name="listOfRootToNodePath">Any collectionic List. The collection should have every objet of the path to the targeted item from the root
        /// to the target. For example for an apple tree: AppleTree (index 0), Branch4, SubBranch3, Leaf2 (index 3)</param>
        /// <param name="onTreeViewVisible">Optionnal</param>
        public static void SetItemHierarchyVisible(this TreeView treeView, IEnumerable<object> listOfRootToNodePath, OnTreeViewVisible onTreeViewVisible = null)
            ItemContainerGenerator icg = treeView.ItemContainerGenerator;
            if (icg == null)
                return; // Is tree loaded and initialized ???

            SetItemHierarchyVisible(icg, new List<object>(listOfRootToNodePath), onTreeViewVisible);

        // ******************************************************************
        private static void ExpandItem(ItemContainerGenerator icg, IList listOfRootToNodePath, OnTreeViewVisible onTreeViewVisible = null)
            Debug.Assert(icg != null);

            if (icg != null)
                if (listOfRootToNodePath.Count == 0) // nothing to do

                TreeViewItem tvi = icg.ContainerFromItem(listOfRootToNodePath[0]) as TreeViewItem;
                if (tvi != null) // Due to threading, always better to verify

                    if (!tvi.IsExpanded)
                        tvi.IsExpanded = true;

                    if (listOfRootToNodePath.Count == 0)
                        if (onTreeViewVisible != null)
                        SetItemHierarchyVisible(tvi.ItemContainerGenerator, listOfRootToNodePath, onTreeViewVisible);
                    ActionHolder actionHolder = new ActionHolder();
                    EventHandler itemCreated = delegate(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
                            var icgSender = sender as ItemContainerGenerator;
                            tvi = icgSender.ContainerFromItem(listOfRootToNodePath[0]) as TreeViewItem;
                            if (tvi != null) // Due to threading, it is always better to verify
                                SetItemHierarchyVisible(icg, listOfRootToNodePath, onTreeViewVisible);


                    actionHolder.Action = new Action(() => icg.StatusChanged -= itemCreated);
                    icg.StatusChanged += itemCreated;

        // ******************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// You cannot rely on this method to be synchronous. If you have any action that depend on the TreeViewItem 
        /// (last item of collectionOfRootToNodePath) to be visible, you should set it in the 'onTreeViewItemVisible' method.
        /// This method should work for Virtualized and non virtualized tree.
        /// The difference with SetItemHierarchyVisible is that this one open the target while SetItemHierarchyVisible does not try to expand the target.
        /// (SetItemHierarchyVisible just ensure the target will be visible)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeView">TreeView where  an item has to be set visible</param>
        /// <param name="listOfRootToNodePath">The collection should have every objet of the path, from the root to the targeted item.
        /// For example for an apple tree: AppleTree (index 0), Branch4, SubBranch3, Leaf2</param>
        /// <param name="onTreeViewVisible">Optionnal</param>
        public static void ExpandItem(this TreeView treeView, IEnumerable<object> listOfRootToNodePath, OnTreeViewVisible onTreeViewVisible = null)
            ItemContainerGenerator icg = treeView.ItemContainerGenerator;
            if (icg == null)
                return; // Is tree loaded and initialized ???

            ExpandItem(icg, new List<object>(listOfRootToNodePath), onTreeViewVisible);

        // ******************************************************************
        private static void ExpandSubWithContainersGenerated(ItemsControl ic, Action<TreeViewItem, object> actionItemExpanded, ReferenceCounterTracker referenceCounterTracker)
            ItemContainerGenerator icg = ic.ItemContainerGenerator;
            foreach (object item in ic.Items)
                var tvi = icg.ContainerFromItem(item) as TreeViewItem;
                actionItemExpanded(tvi, item);
                tvi.IsExpanded = true;
                ExpandSubContainers(tvi, actionItemExpanded, referenceCounterTracker);

        // ******************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Expand any ItemsControl (TreeView, TreeViewItem, ListBox, ComboBox, ...) and their childs if any (TreeView)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ic"></param>
        /// <param name="actionItemExpanded"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceCounterTracker"></param>
        public static void ExpandSubContainers(ItemsControl ic, Action<TreeViewItem, object> actionItemExpanded, ReferenceCounterTracker referenceCounterTracker)
            ItemContainerGenerator icg = ic.ItemContainerGenerator;
                if (icg.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
                    ExpandSubWithContainersGenerated(ic, actionItemExpanded, referenceCounterTracker);
                else if (icg.Status == GeneratorStatus.NotStarted)
                    ActionHolder actionHolder = new ActionHolder();
                    EventHandler itemCreated = delegate(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
                            var icgSender = sender as ItemContainerGenerator;
                            if (icgSender.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
                                ExpandSubWithContainersGenerated(ic, actionItemExpanded, referenceCounterTracker);

                                // Never use the following method in BeginInvoke due to ICG recycling. The same icg could be 
                                // used and will keep more than one subscribers which is far from being intended
                                //  ic.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(actionHolder.Action, DispatcherPriority.Background);

                                // Very important to unsubscribe as soon we've done due to ICG recycling.


                    actionHolder.Action = new Action(() => icg.StatusChanged -= itemCreated);
                    icg.StatusChanged += itemCreated;

                    // Next block is only intended to protect against any race condition (I don't know if it is possible ? How Microsoft implemented it)
                    // I mean the status changed before I subscribe to StatusChanged but after I made the check about its state.
                    if (icg.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
                        ExpandSubWithContainersGenerated(ic, actionItemExpanded, referenceCounterTracker);

        // ******************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is asynchronous.
        /// Expand all items and subs recursively if any. Does support virtualization (item recycling).
        /// But honestly, make you a favor, make your life easier en create a model view around your hierarchy with
        /// a IsExpanded property for each node level and bind it to each TreeView node level.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeView"></param>
        /// <param name="actionItemExpanded"></param>
        /// <param name="actionAllItemExpanded"></param>
        public static void ExpandAll(this TreeView treeView, Action<TreeViewItem, object> actionItemExpanded = null, Action actionAllItemExpanded = null)
            var referenceCounterTracker = new ReferenceCounterTracker(actionAllItemExpanded);
            treeView.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => ExpandSubContainers(treeView, actionItemExpanded, referenceCounterTracker)), DispatcherPriority.Background);

        // ******************************************************************


using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace HQ.Util.General
    public delegate void CountToZeroAction();

    public class ReferenceCounterTracker
        private Action _actionOnCountReachZero = null;
        private int _count = 0;

        public ReferenceCounterTracker(Action actionOnCountReachZero)
            _actionOnCountReachZero = actionOnCountReachZero;

        public void AddRef()
            Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);

        public void ReleaseRef()
            int count = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);
            if (count == 0)
                if (_actionOnCountReachZero != null)